Especially as he got older, he’d be particular about which sofa or chair he sat on while we watched TV in the evenings. Often he’d have the whole three-seater sofa to himself: his bed on one seat, a fleece or wool blanket on another, and the bare leather at the end.
He’d move between the spots during the evening. When HE decided it was bedtime (around 21:30) he’d ask to go out, and then when he came back in he’d expect his 1/3 Bonio to be placed on the blanked. He might nudge it a but, but almost without fail ate it.
In his last few months he’d expect a Mini Markie as well – definitely as well and not instead, even though he’d usually leave the Bonio.
In his last fortnight we moved to a Mini Markie and a Tasty Bite “Chewy Slice”. He’d not had any Bonio for a couple of weeks – those he did eat were from the sofa around dinnertime if I was cooking something that he wasn’t interested in.