When he was younger – maybe until he was 9-10, as we walked past a bigger dog, Timothy would prefer to be on the other side of me from the dog – but if not, he’d walk past and just ignore it. He never really wanted to sniff another dog or say “hello”. Hilariously though, after we passed another dog (and after it was out of the danger zone) he’d turn around and BARK at it – knowing that I had his back if anything kicked off. It rarely did.
After he became an old man, he no longer gave any fucks, and just ignored all other dogs. Perhaps he trusted that I’d keep rough dogs away, or knew I’d rescue him if it kicked off. He’d rarely even glance at another dog.
SOMETIMES he wanted to say “hello” – most recently only two days before he died when we were on the street behind our house and the lady from two doors down was passing on the other side of the road: Timothy actually skipped forward (but had no intention of actually crossing the road). The was the last time he saw the neighbour and her dogs.