Soon after Timothy first moved in with us, I took him back to Selby to see my mum twice in a couple of months – and both times we went via Hull Trains from Kings Cross direct to Selby.
The first time on the Hull Train was THE first time Timothy had been back to Selby – so it was a bit like a “test” to make sure that we had not done anything wrong or that he’d put on too much weight etc. A member of the train crew said hello to Tim and asked where we were going. I told her about feeling a bit like we were being checked up on, and she said Timothy looked nice and happy so she was sure we’d be fine.
The next time, a couple of months later, the same train crew lady recognised us, and remembered why we were travelling. She said hello again and said she was pleased to see we were doing well.
She must’ve been on hundreds of train journeys since the first time she saw us, but she still remembered Timothy.