When we went somewhere Timothy couldn’t go, we left him with a few people he knew or who he had met before. My mum (his mum, originally) obviously, but also our neighbours Barbara and Janet, our ex-post lady Marian, and my friends/customers Tony and his daughter Ann.
Most recently he also stayed for a day with Jody when we were going to go to Silverstone for WEC – we didn’t actually go in the end, but she was so looking forward to Timothy’s visit that he went over anyway.
That was the first endurance race that I’d watched without Timothy – and the first of any race including F1 for a long, long time that I’d not watched with him. He liked watching racing because it was a time that I’d sit still with him for hours on end. He preferred that people sit still and didn’t keep escaping his watch. During that race, I ended up following it on the radio and painting the fence in the front garden: he’d complain that I wasn’t inside, not settle well in a bed in the garden, and keep asking to come in and out otherwise.